Monday, July 4, 2011

Haven't had much time or access to the Internet lately but since today is July 4th and we got the house to ourselves I thought I'd take some time to update. Chris has been working his butt off but since we are so broke it seems like we just can't get ahead. But we are pushing along anyways. I finally got a job offer as a front desk clerk at La Quinta Inns, which is minimum wage but definitely better than nothing. I'll be working 3 days a week, 8 hour shifts. It's gonna be tricky getting us both back and forth to work with one car but we will manage. I'm just really really happy to have a job!

I've been mostly doing administrative stuff for me and Chris lately. The kind of stuff that I never get any credit for but the world probably just wouldn't turn without it. I've also been doing more relaxing "me" kind of stuff, too like taking free prenatal yoga classes at Destination Maternity, going to the library (to do research on jobs, childbirth, parenting, local businesses, etc) and visiting Chris's family (and falling asleep on their couches). I got Chris a free new pair of glasses since he broke his. I've been clipping coupons like crazy and trying to save every dime I can. I found places we can take our car to get fixed for a good deal. I also found a midwife in San Antonio that accepts Medicaid and will deliver my baby at St. Luke's Baptist Hospital. I'm going to arrange a tour at the hospital as soon as I can. I've also found a bunch of free events that involve the baby or getting to know the area better. Basically, if it's free - I'm there.

I've been devouring books on childbirth and parenting and health and nutrition. I'm collecting recipes and tips like a packrat. I have notes that I keep in my little notebook on everything from household budgets to make-ahead freezer meals and everything domestic in-between. I just can't wait until Chris and I can get a place (however modest) on our own so I can get ready for the baby.

My sister sent me an awesome book on natural healing remedies and nutrition for the baby. I've already read half the book. Chris's mom gave me a copy of What to Expect when you're expecting book and I have a couple other books I got from the library. I'm preparing myself as best I can without going to actual childbirth classes (because those aren't free).

I have gotten the reaction I expected from those who I have told that I am trying for a natural childbirth. It seems that everyone thinks that childbirth is incredibly painful and must be anesthetized. Well, duh - childbirth IS painful, I'm not going into this thinking there will be no pain. But I'm pretty confident that I can handle it. It may sound naive, but I know my body is designed to do it and I trust that. I think that the pain of natural birth is worth the payoff of a healthy baby and unless things go incredibly wrong, I owe it to myself and my baby to do it as naturally as possible. The only thing I can't really avoid is the circumcision procedure if we end up with a boy. Chris and I both agree that he will be circumcised even though I really hate to put the poor baby through that. But that is a compromise I will make. In exchange, I will do my best to prevent him (or her) from having a forceps or vacuum delivery and being all doped up on meds. I also plan to breastfeed, and hopefully I will be able to do that successfully. I had no idea that it could be complicated and difficult but even if it is trying, I will do my best to breastfeed my kid without using formula.

In the meantime, I am just trying to be extra vigilant with my diet and vitamins, even though I am such a total slacker. I know I eat too many sweets, and haven't been taking my calcium and iron like I should. I'm also probably drinking more caffeine than I should. Bad bad me. I'm trying, I really am.

Well, hopefully once I start my job this week we can actually start putting away some money towards an apartment. We figure it will cost us around $2200.00 to get started with a new place, after deposits & utilities, etc. I really really hope we can get a place by September. We just have to, otherwise I think we'll both go crazy!

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