Saturday, June 4, 2011

Our next move

Chris and I decided to move back to Texas finally. It's something we had planned before but like always ended up getting entangled in one after the other of my mom's projects. Well, this time we decided, screw her and her needs and wants and let's just go live our own lives where we may still be poor (I can't imagine being any poorer than we are now, honestly) but at least we'll be happy.

So yeah...moving to Boerne, Texas. Well, San Antonio at first. I'm going to try to find myself a quick little job doing retail or waitress or something along those lines before I start looking really pregnant and can't get a job at all. Chris has accumulated a mass of new tools so he will hopefully be able to do more work in Texas. We are going to spend our last dime to make it there. Literally.

Besides the obvious stress of moving, I'm very happy. I feel super relieved. It's gonna be tough and we are going to be screwing my mom over with the cafe, but honestly - it's an eye for an eye. If we were such a burden to her, she should be happy about us leaving. The cafe can be her new burden.

The pain in the ass part for us is getting new health insurance and a midwife for me. I will basically have to start over with the whole Medicaid process. It's too bad cause I liked the midwife I had here. I'm also not looking forward to the Texas heat... my first task will be to find a pool to go to. I need the vitamin D pretty bad anyways.

The good news I have is that I got to see my very dear friend Liz (who is moving to China, of all places) this afternoon for coffee. Liz is such a good friend, she's been there for me through some tough shit. I am like the vagabond friend who's always roaming from one bad situation to another. So this is like the same old same old with me. But anyways, she gave me a ton of baby stuff!!! A bunch of cute maternity clothes, a breast pump, baby monitor, baby play things, maternity bras, a bed bumper, and a pack and play crib! I feel like I won a contest or something. Honestly, I can't be luckier or more thankful to have such a generous friend, and I am going to miss her and her daughter so very much. I've known this chick since we were in remedial math class (Basic Math 100) together in architecture school. Back then, it seemed like becoming an architect was such an improbability we would laugh about it. Especially since we were in remedial math and still sucking at it! It really is a bleepin' miracle we both graduated with Master's degrees. Honestly, she is way more brilliant at it than I am.

By the way, Chris had lost his cell phone several days ago and found it in one of his dirty pants in the closet today so if you've been trying to call him and weren't getting through, it should work now. I think his mind is much more at ease now too since we have both decided to move. I know I feel like a ton of bricks have been lifted off my chest. We both know it ain't gonna be easy for a while but we are confident that we are making the right choice for us and the baby. Texas, here we come!

Oh, and little Waylon (Chris wants to add Jennings to his middle name so he can call him J.T.) only really needs one grandma who I'm sure will love him way more than the one here in Atlanta.

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