Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm Pregnant!

As of today, exactly 9 weeks pregnant. I feel pretty good, considering all the hard work I've been putting in at opening my restaurant. No morning sickness, but sometimes I get slightly queasy. I eat a lot of saltines and cheese, with diet Ginger Ale and I'm fine. I was pretty tired for a couple of weeks but since I'm so busy now I'm just plain exhausted all the time anyways.

Today was a rough day because I keep having to delay the grand opening of my restaurant due to some equipment that still needs to be repaired and I can't find anybody with common sense to fix it for me. I won't go into detail about that, but it is the reason why I am enjoying a TINY glass of red wine right now. I've only taken one sip and I feel like I could go to sleep on my desk right now.

I'm also eating BBQ fried pork skins with my wine. Leave me alone. It was a frustrating day.

I already have a belly forming!! It may just be fat because I'm gaining weight (I gained 5 lbs already!). I weigh 170 lbs now. Well, actually that's how much I weighed a couple weeks ago when I went to the Medical Center to take my official pregnancy test, so I may actually be heavier than that already.

According to a bunch of sources, it would be normal for me to gain between 25-35 lbs. But I heard that Kate Hudson gained 70 lbs with her last baby and she's a toothpick now!

A lot of people have concerns that I may not be getting enough food to support a baby, but trust me, I am eating more than plenty. I've done a lot of research on the topic and there's absolutely no risk to the baby as long as I take enough vitamins. Which I am. Yesterday for lunch I had some weird African cassava leaf curry which looked like grass clipping soup, it was healthy and I ate more of it than I should have, plus an entire apple and a whole banana. In fact, I wolfed the fruit down one right after the other and had to take a few moments while they battled it out in my stomach.

I've been craving a lot of fruits and cheese. Also anything crunchy or with peanut butter. In fact, I think I could eat just about anything put in front of me at this point. For a whole entire week I wanted Sonny's BBQ salad bar so bad I almost cried about it, but I never got to go there. It was very disappointing. So yeah, I'm eating plenty. All I do is eat, eat, eat. I'm probably going to blow up like a whale.

I am a little worried about gestational diabetes because I have a sweet tooth now, which is weird because I never really had a sweet tooth when I was big. Now I just crave crave crave cookies and cake. Ice cream, smoothies, pie.....mmmmmm.

OK enough about food. What else... I wont be able to see a doctor until my Medicaid comes through which is a pain in the butt because the people around here (sorry but this may sound racist, but I do live in downtown Atlanta a.k.a. the Ghetto) don't seem to give a shit about their jobs or being helpful to the people who rely on them to actually DO their jobs. So I'm pretty sure my Medicaid application has gotten lost in the shuffle since it's been almost a month since I filled out the application and I haven't heard a thing back. So I applied again, this time I did it myself online so hopefully that will take.

I have a Midwife picked out that I want to go to for my prenatal care, they are located right across the street from the hospital where I will likely be having the baby - which coincidentally is the same hospital I was born in 32 years ago.

Well... that's about all I have the energy to write about for now. I will try to put up some pictures and add some more information later about Chris - the baby's daddy.

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